Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oh Canada Day!

11 days late I'm creating my first blog post from Canada day! I went to my family's cabin for Canada and just had some regular fun! For Canada day I sported my red and white polka dot swimsuit from Target. $18 a piece.
My dad became paparazi for the weekend

My sister and my sick moves bring all da boys to the beach. My sisters bathing suit is also a Target find! 

Then we finished the day off with a spirited game of whatever this is. "Golf ball throwing at poles?"
My outfit: Hoodie-Victorias Secret Shorts-Zandai Headband-Ardene
My sisters outfit: Hoodie-TNA Shorts-American Eagle Bandana-Ardene
 Now don't hold these outfits against us. We were cabining it up! But I thought Canada day would be a lovely place to start a blog.

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